Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Love

Happy Birthday Dear Snookum,
Many Many Happy returns of the day. :)

Each year you make me astound how one can be this awesome whole year. One awesome year passes with you and yet another even better year awaits. Thank you for sharing your moments with me. I love you so much.

Time flies quickly when with you. I remember wishing your previous birthday just like yesterday and here comes another. Each passing year brings maturity, more beauty and intelligence in you. You are better than the previous year and that's what I like about you the most. You are bettering yourself every day. Your competition is solely with yourself. :)

May you kiss the success, be among the Pantheons of all time greats and become a role model of this society. You deserve happiness and glory. And you will win the world one day. Trust me :D

And may you celebrate every birthday with my first wish and may us celebrate your birthday together, forever. Happy Birthday once again to the perfectly perfect girl. XOXO

I love you so much. :*

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Some words are more than just words

Dear Snookum,
I do not know what I am going to write next. I know nothing. With every movement of the fingers in the keyboard, I will be surprising myself too. I just want to write. Write my heart out. I am a kind of guy who finds peace in written words than spoken. Something inside me is urging me to write but what? I still have no answer. And it's funny that I do not want to stop and think. I just want to continue writing whatever comes in my mind via heart.

I love you Miss Snookum. I really do. Apart from the love, I respect you to the utmost level. I respect you as a lady. I respect you as a friend. I respect you as a lover. Moreover, I respect you as a human being. My respect is independent to who are you to me. Any sane person in this world will respect you given your talent, attitude, characteristics, behaviour and performance. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

I have never ever taken you for granted. Neither have I left myself loose with you. We both being together for this long, may need to boundary to express our love for each other. But there are always certain boundaries in every relationship that the couple need to take care of. I have never crossed the boundary that would hurt you. I have always chosen my words and actions taking you in my mind. 'What if I said this? What if I did this? Would it hurt her? Would it make her sad?' I always ask these to myself whenever I choose to do certain things. I will never hurt you intentionally.

Like I said, I just want to write. All these posts are random. These words do not link with any actions lately or of the past. I just wanted you to know this. And on the same note, I would like to apologize to you if I have ever made you feel low, sad and hurt. I would not do that ever. I am sorry for all the bitter moments. I love you so much. I do not want to lose you ever in my life. You have come into my life and decorated it like I have never imagined. My life would be this beautiful, I had never thought of.

Thank you Miss Snookum, for being here with me in every possible way. Without you, I won't thrive. Without you, I will just be one ordinary human being just existing in this globe. I love you so much. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

A plea to love

Darling, let me love you,
the way I want to,
the way you want me to.

let me spill all my feelings,
all my love,
my everything to you.
Let me be the morning dew and you,
be the petals of the loveliest rose.
I'd touch you all over,
the faintest touch of my lips,
all over your soft divine skin
would make you more pigmented
than you already are.

Let me tickle you and arouse you,
and make you want me more.
You’d try to push me away,
but avert me from falling too.
And I shall run wild over you,
just when your thirsty lips drag me rapidly to you.
And as I get closer to your lips,
I would see a shy smile in your rosy face.

I would hold you tightly,
give you the kiss of the millennium,
and you would want me more;
as if the feeling is new.
My every touch, my every breath,
would make you feel more complete,
like you’re discovering yourself in you,
via me.
Never has been your body caressed,
never have you been to this utopia,
as I show you the doorway to paradise,
and you would not want me to stop.

So I would go on,
Quenching every thirst,
again and again.
And you would be there,
soaked, all wet. 
Right at that time,
 we would be two bodies as one.
Your identity becomes mine,
and mine, yours.
And when I see you again,
I visualize no shyness in you, anymore.
I see, love, affection, satisfaction, and moreover,
a complete lady in you.
And I would shine,
like a diamond with you.
And that’s when the world sees,
an epitome of  beauty, in us.
Sparkling dew drops in a blossomed rose.

-Mr. Sour Apple. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I Love You, Mr. Sour Apple :)


I can't believe that it has been two years since we have been in a relationship. :) How shall I begin to put into words what being in relationship with you feels like? Our anniversary is a time to look back at the good times and a time to look ahead to our dreams together. Happy anniversary, love. :* 

Do you remember when we first started to date? Even before we were formally in a relationship we used to spend time together near that temple and I very well recall our moon walks (not the dance :P). Aah! how I wish only if we could relive those moments. It honestly doesn't seem like two years have passed by. Since the moment we have started journey of our lives together, you have been my best friend, the love of my life and most of all my soulmate. You lift me up when I am down. You always encourage and support me on working out my plans. It doesn't matter to you whether I am fat or skinny, beautiful or ugly, you always admire me. You always think of my happiness and comfort me and you bring the best out of me. 

There are also the times when you annoy the hell out of me, but I know what may the situation be, deep down there is pure love existing between us. I know our life is not perfect, yet it is perfect for us. I am glad about the decision I took two years back to be your life partner and that's the best choice I've made in my entire life. I love how calm and patience you are with me. You have understood me and seen more in me than any other person. Everything is so easy and natural with you. You make my life so much better to cherish. My words fall short to express what my heart feels so deeply. 

I love you more than yesterday and surely less than tomorrow. You are the best thing that happened to me. You love me just the way God created me, with every scare and imperfection. You see past my outward flaws into the depth of my heart and you love me the same. When I feel low, I just want to get a glimpse of yours and everything seems to be alright. 

The way you love me, the way you have come in my life, I wish the journey shall never be end till I die. Thank you for making the day so special in my life. I shall never let you go. Thank you for completing me. 

Happy Anniversary again! 

I love you! :*  

-Miss Snookum :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Happy Birthday to the most special person in my life! :*

Happy Birthday To YOU 
Happy Birthday To YOU
Happy Birthday Dear Snookum, 
Happy Birthday to you :) 

Wishing you a very happy birthday dear love. You are a super special person to me and I am so lucky to have you, love. I wish you wonderful journey ahead to your goal. May you reach the apex and conquer the world with the talent and intelligence you have. May your confidence reach sky high and may you always wear smile that makes you super cute. :) :*

Every day is a challenge and I hope you accumulate the courage and self belief to defeat all the negatives that you find on the way. There is no perfect person than you. So I hope you compete with yourself to become better version of you. (You can always do that :) )

And most importantly, I am always here beside you to help you in every step of your life. I love you, Snookie :*
Have a great great year ahead. Remember, the battle is with yourself. :) I hope you rise (further) :)

Happy Birthday :)

Lots of Love.. Hugs and Kisses :*